Nick Hern Books
17 September 2020
Paperback, Kindle

In very timely fashion, Nick Hern Books have rushed out a new book by Glyn Trefor-Jones, containing 80 tried and tested activities adapted for social distance and online use. Twenty of the games are designed to be used mainly online (the 'desserts' while the rest are designed for socially-distanced use with many also adaptable for online. Of course, they can all be used in the studio when we finally return to whatever will be the 'new normal'.
The book begins with practical advice on both socially-distanced and online teaching. Some games may be familiar classics while many are new, and all have been carefully planned for this difficult period we are living through. The games will be relished by a wide age-range and include activities particularly suitable for upper primary and secondary. The activities are of the equally high standard that we are used to from Trefor-Jones and will keep any drama teacher in business for quite some time.
There is a well thought-out downloadable Resource Pack on the Nick Hern website, containing script extracts and worksheets to use with 25 of the games. You can download a free Taster Pack of the book, including four games at https://www.nickhernbooks.co.uk/drama-menu-at-a-distance