Here you can find a selection of articles, tips and techniques for teaching drama in primary classrooms.

5 Creative Drama Ideas For Your Classroom
Drama uses the greatest resource that teachers have available to them – children’s imagination. Creative play is a natural part

Anti-Bullying Drama Unit
Using drama to explore bullying issues, giving pupils the opportunity to try out anti-bullying strategies.

Bringing Fairy Tales to Life through Drama
Ways to develop fairy and folk tales into rehearsed performances, improvisations, tableaux and oral storytelling.

Cinderella – Listen To Me – Restorative Justice (5-11 years)
Explore bullying issues through the story of Cinderella using drama, writing and restorative justice techniques

Drama Across the Curriculum
Drama strategies can be used as everyday teaching tools for a wide range of subjects. (Extract from 'Learning Through Drama

Drama For Writing
Drama provides children with a meaningful and immediate reason for writing.

Keeping Control in the Drama Lesson
Classroom Management for Drama Lessons The challenge of managing the classroom during drama could be why some teachers are reluctant

Key Stage 1 Drama Lesson Ideas
A dozen fabulous ideas and helpful books for teaching drama at key stage one.

Key Stage 2 Drama Lesson Ideas
12 brilliant ideas, games, lesson ideas and practical books for teaching drama at key stage two (5-12 years).

Make your own frog and toad puppets
Norwich Puppet Theatre teach you to make a toad puppet

Teaching Literacy Through Drama
Drama is a close ally in the development of literacy, especially speaking and listening.

The King’s Sentence – a world without words
Lesson plan and original story for KS2 exploring non-verbal communication through gesture and sign language.

The Musicians of Bremen Script
Sparkling play script of the Brothers Grimm tale for performance in schools

The Tiger Child Drama Unit (4-7 years)
A range of drama and storytelling activities based on a traditional Indian folk-tale for KS1 and reception.

Why Teach Drama to Primary School Children?
Children's natural tendency towards make-believe play can be utilised at school through structured play and drama.