A series of drama and writing activities exploring bullying issues through the story of Cinderella (taken from Learning Through Drama in the Primary Years). Strategies used: Essence Machines, Forum Theatre, Improvisation, Tableaux, Teacher in Role, Ten Second Objects, Role Play, Rumours, Speaking Objects, Thought Tracking, Whoosh!
Learning Objectives for Drama
In this unit students will:
- Use a range of drama strategies to explore social issues
- Engage and empathise with characters and situations
- Use vocal and physical expression to communicate emotions and behaviour
- Communicate ideas through performance
- Present viewpoints of different characters through dialogue, role-play and writing
The content can be adjusted according to the age-range and needs of the group and be developed over a series of sessions. The approach is based on the Restorative Justice model focusing on how an individual’s behaviour affects others and how they may learn from it. Restorative practice can easily be incorporated as part of a whole-school approach to dealing with conflict.
Click the link to instantly download the full 9-page Cinderella Drama Unit (PDF) for just £4.99 with PayPal.