The Tiger Child Drama Unit (4-7 years)
This lively and funny folk tale from Orissa, India, explains why tigers eat their food uncooked and why cats live with people. The Tiger Child is sent to fetch some more fire from the village, but on the way he gets distracted by his friends. By the time he gets to the village, he has forgotten what he has been sent to fetch.
Joanna Troughton’s beautifully-illustrated book is available from Amazon. The story is not included in the download as it is copyrighted. However the book is cheap to buy!
The lesson plan contains a range of practical, fun and easy-to-do drama activities linked to the story, suitable for Reception and Key Stage 1 (4-7 years). There are at least 80 minutes of activities, so you can choose your favourites for one lesson or teach it over several sessions.
The activities include ten second objects, soundscape, freeze frames, thought tracking and whoosh storytelling. The plan is ideal for drama clubs or the classroom and can easily be linked into a project on India. Full details of each activity are included in the seven-page PDF.
Click the button to download the full 7-page Tiger Child Drama Unit (PDF) for just £4.99 with PayPal.