KEY STAGE 2 (7-11 years)
This drama unit links to QCA History Unit 9: What was it like for children in the Second World War? and in particular: What was it like to be an evacuee?
Learning objectives:
- To empathise with the experiences and feelings of evacuees
- To present the viewpoints of different characters through dialogue, role-play and writing
- To understand and use drama strategies to explore issues
- To identify and discuss the qualities of others’ performances
The drama unit uses a range of media, drama strategies and a fictional story to explore the experience of World War Two evacuees in the UK. The material can be extended over several sessions. Activities include Packing a Suitcase, At the Railway Station, Spotlight, Rumours, Journey and Arrival, Settling in, The Letter. Extensive use is made of archive radio recordings from BBC School Radio which can be streamed from the website (links to external websites are included).
Click the button to download the full 7-page World War Two Evacuees Drama Unit (PDF) for just £4.99 with PayPal.