
After school drama clubs are a popular choice as part of extended schools programming and this book is aimed squarely at teachers and freelance practitioners wishing to run these. It sets out three terms of 11 weekly sessions culminating in a presentation of sample games and activities to parents at the end of each term. The activities focus on social skills linked to the National Literacy Strategy and SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning).
Each session begins with a warm-up followed by a game or two and a longer activity. Some games are repeated from session to session to encourage familiarity and group development. These are always printed in full which means that the teacher can work from one double page rather than having to flick through the book - the downside to this is that many of the 33 activities are printed in full several times.
There are a mixture of teacher-directed and more creative child-led activities. The book would be suitable for those who have little experience of leading drama and are looking for fun games and some extended activities. It is likely that more experienced practitioners will know many of the games. The book includes a sample risk assessment form.