Bloomsbury Education
September 2018

This sparkling collection of monologues, duologues and poems is designed to encourage children to get up and perform. The humour, content and style will appeal at once to children in the target age-range of 7-11 years. With titles such as 'My Teacher Has Two Faces', 'Dinner Lady Dog Disaster', 'The Socktopus' and 'Mermaid In THe Fish And Chip Shop', readers will find this hard to put down.
The book is ideal for pieces for verse, speech and drama competitions, but children will have fun just performing these to each other in school or at home. Each piece is accompanied by performance tips as well as witty extension ideas for teachers to develop creative writing or related improvisation. Further ideas can be found on the author's website at www.cathhowe.com.
Teachers will also find many of the lively poems and monologues will provide great material to read out to the class at story time or for creative inspiration. Highly recommended.