Alphabet Publishing
22 April 2019
Paperback, Kindle

Published by Alphabet Publishing, a US-based independent publisher specialising in English language learning books, this title includes drama games, role plays and monologues as well as photocopiable sketches and scripts.
Beginning with a few fun warm-up games, the book dives into a range of easy to digest drama activities clearly focused on aspects of language learning including elements of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. These include storytelling and dialogue activities, monologues, role-plays, improvisations, sketches and readers' theatre with plenty of clear advice and guidance on each approach. From here on, the book picks up the theme of plays and performance with targeted activities on character and guidance on organising rehearsals.
The second section of the book is given over to a wide range of monologues, short sketches and play scripts on a variety of themes which will appeal to teenagers and adults. These are lively, fun and written in everyday colloquial language with an American flavour.
This very practically-oriented book also includes thoughtful explanations of the theory behind the activities for those who want to take a more considered approach to using drama. Alice Savage's enthusiasm and clear breadth of experience is apparent on every page. The Drama Book is a comprehensive guide to using plays and drama activities, packed with useful ideas and perfect for those working with English learners as well as other teachers wanting to explore scripts and monologues with their students.