What are Freeze Frames?

Participants freeze their bodies to create a scene. It’s just like pressing pause on a video.

Freeze frames (also known as still images and tableaux) can be created quickly with any age-group. Participants create an image using their bodies – with no movement. Freeze frames can be made by individuals or groups of any size.

A good way to explain a freeze frame is that it’s like pressing “pause” on a remote control, taking a photo or making a statue. Images can be made quickly without discussion – or they can be planned and rehearsed. They are fantastic for communicating any ideas or telling a story. Participants can represent people, objects or even abstract concepts like emotions. As there are no lines to learn, freeze frames often help shyer performers to gain confidence.

When viewing a series of freeze frames, try using Open and Close. Bring the images to life through improvisation using Action Clip. Freeze-frames can be usefully combined with Thought Tracking, Forum Theatre or Flashbacks and Flash Forwards.
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