Age: 7 years +
Players: Small Groups
Time: 5 minutes
Tags: #Collaboration #Improvisation

Quickly share group work

When groups develop scenes or improvisations, they inevitably want to show them to the rest of the class. With several groups takes a while, especially when the mind begins to wander. So when students have finished devising, ask them to choose the ‘best bit’ of their improvisation and to prepare a Freeze Frame of that moment. Then when it’s their turn, ask each group to make the freeze frame and use Action Clip to bring it to life. That way, everybody gets to show their favourite moments in a much shorter space of time without (literally) losing the plot!

Director’s Tip

  • When younger students ‘perform’ a scene, they are usually devising it all over again and it’s difficult for them to know when to stop. And by the time the last group is up, they really have forgotten what they planned. So try ‘Best Bits’ – everyone’s a winner!

This game is from: Drop Of A Hat Drama Lessons, Games and Activities

Drop of a Hat brings the curriculum to life through drama and creativity: Each lesson is based on a story, poem or theme and divided into bite-sized sections. If you’re looking for a quick fix, just choose a couple of activities. If you’re new to drama, there’s a section at the back describing the games and strategies in detail.

This game is from: Drop Of A Hat Drama Lessons, Games and Activities




Drop of a Hat brings the curriculum to life through drama and creativity: Each lesson is based on a story, poem or theme and divided into bite-sized sections. If you’re looking for a quick fix, just choose a couple of activities. If you’re new to drama, there’s a section at the back describing the games and strategies in detail.